About us

Meet our vibrant and passionate team of eco-warriors!

About the Econosa team

Welcome to Econosa – your number-one source for all things sustainable, eco-friendly, vegan, hemp, and fair trade-related.

We’re dedicated to giving you the very best information, with a focus on where to find eco-friendly and sustainable products and tips.

We started Econosa as we wanted to do our bit for the planet – and we know how difficult it can be trying to wade through the vast swathes of information, misinformation and greenwashing out there, particularly in the fashion world. We decided to create this platform to share the information we discovered upon our journey to help other eco-minded folk live more sustainably, and shop more consciously and ethically.

Our team is growing as we aim to expand our content to reach and relate to a wider audience who are interested in a sustainable lifestyle – stay tuned and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any feedback, requests or suggestions!

Mindfully yours,

The Econosa Team


Meet the people behind Econosa